3D LogoTransition is a fabulous after effects template composed by fabulous author – pixelfox_147, who possess 36 total sales and 0 ratings thus far.
If you will grapple with any complications with this item give you an opportunity to heed the help file PDF that is included in download archive in other way initiate a comment on this webpage and HunterAE crew will come back with a lot of helpful solutions, considerations and advice.
Still more, what you should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really earns some reviews. It is very serious to come clean that author created this wonderful project for us.
3D LogoTransition is a broadcast package project peculiarly felicitous for transitions videos. Hunterae.com admin team want to harp on that download archive package for this template embodies all wanted files: Images, Tutorials, Demo Videos, Elements and so on.
Unequivocally for you, Hunterae.com administration has designed 11 exceptional footage and one motion picture sample where you can consider the project in action. Furthermore, you can take a little look for other variety of broadcast packages projects for after effects and pick out good-looking one that will stick together with your necessities.
This item was constructed by a gifted author undoubted for those who appreciate to edit video graphics. It is simple to use this item, all actually you need to do is simply to download the project from below link on this page and turn to account of it for all your desires.
Build plenteous videotape with this item and stupefy your client or onlookers with memorable video records. The author pixelfox_147 lasted and done his foremost to give rise to this project apprehensible by people regardless of abilities and skillset. Nothingness is knotty over here, even if you are novice into video footage graphics mounting you won’t confront hindrances, altogether is thaumaturgic intuitional.
Around a little while back, author told that “3D LogoTransition 31300158” is one of the principal after effects project they even developed on the online shop. Clearly, strenuous work is the key to enjoyment.
Template has next matchless resolution: 1920×1080 and comprehensive size of the archive is 94.2mb, transmission of data from principal hosting will be sharp.
As of January 2017, collecting 3 projects in portfolio, 4 badges and 8 followers, “pixelfox_147” steadfastly delight us with astounding after effects projects.

Videohive 31300158 “3D LogoTransition” Overview
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- 3D LogoTransition 31300158 Template Videohive Free Download
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- 3D LogoTransition Videohive 31300158 from pixelfox_147 Quick Download
outstanding share
phenomenal share!!!
cool project
Thanks for share
Much thanks for this cool upload
great share!!!
extraordinary upload !!!
Thanks for this phenomenal project
admin, thank you
HunterAE, thank you so much
hunterae, much thanks
admin, many thanks,downloaded it pretty fast!!!