Soccer Scoring Logo Reveal Intro Opener Premiere is a showy premiere pro template manufactured by pleasing author – 2DeadFrog, who maintain 6,646 total sales and 123 ratings so far.
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During the time from May 2013, earning 845 projects in portfolio, 14 badges and 468 followers, “2DeadFrog” time and time again impress us with memorable premiere pro projects.
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Soccer Scoring Logo Reveal Intro Opener Premiere is a logo sting project mainly appropriate for sports videos. HunterAE moderation team want to promulgate that download archive package for this item contains all required files: Images, Tutorials, Demo Videos, Elements and so on.

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- Soccer Scoring Logo Reveal Intro Opener Premiere 33997734 Videohive Project Free
lots of thanks HunterAE
Andrew,many many thanks
Thank you for this incredible upload
Thank you
wonderful template
marvellous project
amazing template
Andrew, many thanks,downloaded it pretty fast
phenomenal share
great project