Liquid Titles | DaVinci Resolve is a profound davinci resolve template created by wonderful author – BoxOfMotion, who bear 2,335 total sales and 7 ratings heretofore.
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Project has following eye-catching resolution: Resizable and integral size of the archive is 231MB, transmission of data from principal hosting will be comfortable breakneck.
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Within the period from June 2019, collecting 528 projects in portfolio, 8 badges and 67 followers, “BoxOfMotion” oftentimes gratify us with unbelievable davinci resolve projects.
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Videohive 37391503 “Liquid Titles | DaVinci Resolve” Sample
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- Liquid Titles | DaVinci Resolve Download Videohive Template 37391503
Thanks a lot
fantastic project
sir, thanks
Lots of thanks
Thanks for project
Admin,thank you kindly
nice upload, got it very fast on my laptop