Western Titles is a prodigious after effects template crafted by well known author – ProMotionSquad-1, who attain 7,783 total sales and 197 ratings till the present.
This item was produced by a competent author peculiarly for those who appreciate to work with video graphics. It is very elementary to use this item, all what you need to do is only to download the template from below link on this web-page and handle it for all your requirements.
Construct famed moving picture with this project and amuse your customer or onlookers with rememberable movies. The author promotionsquad-1 lasted and performed his uppermost to produce this project comprehensible by all over the globe in spite of knacks and aptitudes. None is sophisticated right here, even if you are newcomer to videotape graphics montage you wouldn\’t withstand confusions, everything is marvellous intuitive.
In the period from December 2011, having 1 projects in portfolio, 17 badges and 928 followers, “ProMotionSquad-1” habitually ensorcell us with glorious after effects projects.
On top of that, what people should know about reviews? Well, this Videohive item has 3 reviews. For example, fresher review was composed by “majo2” who gave 5 star rating and spur was for “Visual Appeal”. This item really merit five stars, peerless and solid work.
If you will encounter any troubles with this item try to check out the help PDF document that is included in download archive if not put down a comment on this page and Hunterae.com admin members squad will respond with a lot of handy solutions, opinions and proposals.
Item has next one recognized resolution: 1280×720 and entire size of the archive is 1.45gb, download transmission from the server will be fast enough.
Western Titles is a title project exceptionally eligible for retro videos. Hunterae.com admin members team want to come clean that download archive package for this item includes all necessary files: Tutorials, Images, Elements, Demo Videos and so on.
Specially for you, HunterAE administration members have made twelve superb photographs and one video overview where you can see the template in process. As far as, you can have a look for diverse variety of titles templates for after effects and acquire marvelous one that will suit your necessities.
Right a little while back, author said that “Western Titles 12160054” is one of the superfine after effects template they even released on the VideoHive storehouse. Unequivocally, unyielding work is the key to mastery.

Videohive 12160054 “Western Titles” Trailer
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Keywords for Search Engines:
- Retro After Effects Videohive Project Western Titles
- Action After Effects Template Videohive Western Titles
- Western Titles Videohive 12160054 from ProMotionSquad-1 Direct Download
- Western Titles 12160054 Template Videohive Free Download
- Western Titles 12160054 Videohive Project Free
- Western Titles Download Videohive Template 12160054
admin,thank you kindly
nice share
brilliant project !
Thank you kindly downloaded it very quick on my laptop
beautiful project!!!
HunterAE,many thanks
Thank you very much
amazing project!
Lots of thanks outstanding project !!