Lucent | Trailer Titles is a prodigious after effects project manufactured by memorable author – grkandesign, who earn 13,216 total sales and 177 ratings before now.
Since March 2014, gaining 94 items in portfolio, 13 badges and 1069 followers, “grkandesign” repeatedly engage us with recognized after effects projects.
At a recent time, author asserted that “Lucent | Trailer Titles 36870124” is one of the first-class after effects project they even constructed on the online market. Indisputably, operose work is the key to bliss.
Not only that, what we need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really merit some reviews. It is very crucial to divulge that author created this uncommon project for us.
This project was shared by a skillful author predominantly for those who appreciate to handle video graphics. It is simple enough to use this item, all actually you need to do is just to download the project from below link on this website page and turn to great advantage of it for all your needs.
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Purely for website visitors, administration has manufactured 12 high-quality visuals and one video footage trailer where you can view the template in move. Above and beyond, you can pay attention for diverse kind of titles templates for after effects and elect extraordinary one that will accommodate your demands.
Lucent | Trailer Titles is a title project specially dignified for light videos. Our team want to point that download archive package for this template contains all much-needed files: Elements, Demo Videos, Tutorials, Images and so on.
Item has following stupendous resolution: 1920×1080 and integral size of the archive is 1gb, download speed from file server will be pretty quickly.
If you will run into any discomforts with this item put in an opportunity to investigate the help pdf file that is included in download archive other way note down a comment on this webpage and HunterAE admin members crew will return with a lot of accommodating explanations, visions and clues.

Videohive 36870124 “Lucent | Trailer Titles” Sample
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