Hexagon Slideshow is a prodigious after effects project originated by brilliant author – SoArt, who collect 1,546 total sales and 12 ratings up to this point.
Item has next one excellent resolution: 1920×1080 and total size of the archive is 242MB, transfer data speed from the primary file hosting will be super fleet.
This template was originated by an experienced author exceptionally for those who like to make video graphics. It is absolutely uncomplicated to use this project, all actually you need to do is plainly to download the item from below link on this webpage and use it for all your demands.
During the time from February 2013, earning 100 items in portfolio, 7 badges and 68 followers, “SoArt” unceasingly indulge us with famed after effects projects.
If you will withstand any uncertainties with this template try to explore the help document PDF that is included in download archive else formulate a comment on this web-page and our crew will return with a lot of positive explains, thoughts and guidance.
Hexagon Slideshow is a video display project purely commensurate for 3d, object videos. Our admin team want to mention that download archive package for this item involves all desirable files: Elements, Demo Videos, Images, Tutorials and so on.
Build decent video tape with this template and dazzle your clientele or spectator with untypical video footages. The author soart persevered and did his topmost to set up this template perceivable by every single notwithstanding of proficiencies and qualifications. Not at all is intricate right there, even if you are newcomer in the direction of video tape graphics editing you wouldn\’t grapple with concerns, each thing is delightful visceral.
In particular for website members, HunterAE administration members have composed 12 gorgeous images and 1 movie preview where you can recognize the project in action. Concurrently, you can get a closer look for remaining video displays projects for after effects and catch marvelous one that will conform your desires.
As far as, what you should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really merit some reviews. It is very noticeable to enunciate that author created this standout project for us.
Close to last month, author voiced that “Hexagon Slideshow 23653277” is one of the paramount after effects template they even released on the Envato shop. Patently, arduous work is the key to positive result.

Videohive 23653277 “Hexagon Slideshow” Presentation
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- Hexagon Slideshow 23653277 Template Videohive Free Download
- Hexagon Slideshow Videohive 23653277 from SoArt Rapid Download
- Display After Effects Videohive Template Hexagon Slideshow
phenomenal share
Andrew, thank you so much
marvellous share
Much thanks for this template !!
Andrew,thank you
Thanks a lot
brilliant project
beautiful share,downloaded it very quick on my notebook
incredible project
awesome project
Much of thanks!!