Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal is a benevolent after effects project shared by wondrous author – steve314, who attain 44,468 total sales and 2896 ratings up to the present.
During the period from July 2010, reaching 408 projects in portfolio, 18 badges and 2646 followers, “steve314” at regular intervals involve us with formidable after effects projects.
Also, what you should know about reviews? Well, this videohive item has 3 reviews. For example, most recent one review was typed by “DON-VFX” who gave 5 star rating and point was for “Flexibility”. This project really earns five stars, leading and concentrate work.
This item was manufactured by a competent author absolutely for those who admire to work with video graphics. It is absolutely straightforward to use this project, all actually you need to do is merely to download the template from below link on this web site page and use it for all your needs.
If you will knock against any troubles with this template take initiatives to look into the help file PDF that is included in download archive otherwise write down a comment on this page and Hunterae.com lineup will respond with a lot of useful clarifications, observations and clues.
Project has following one notable resolution: 1920×1080 and entire size of the archive is 178mb, download data speed from central hosting will be comfortable prompt.
Purely for our members, Hunterae.com admin has shaped 13 high-class pics and 1 film trailer where you can appreciate the project in action. Therewith, you can get a good look for diverse kind of logo stings projects for after effects and pick out fantastic one that will stick together with your necessities.
Give rise to formidable video with this template and quench your client or viewers with exalted video tapes. The author steve314 persisted and conducted own best to develop this item easily understood by each one although of capabilities and aptitudes. Not a bit is intricate right here, even if you are amateur in the direction of videotape graphics editing you won\’t grapple with turmoils, each thing is glorious intuitive.
Approximately by very little time, author asserted that “Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal 16501083” is one of the supreme after effects template they even invented on the VideoHive online warehouse. Plainly, diligent work is the key to attainment.
Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal is a logo sting project complete adequacy for corporate videos. Hunterae.com admin members team want to make it clear that download archive package for this project includes all desirable files: Elements, Demo Videos, Images, Tutorials and so on.

Videohive 16501083 “Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal” Presentation
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Keywords for Search Engines:
- Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal Download Videohive Project 16501083
- Logo After Effects Videohive Project Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal
- Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal Videohive 16501083 from steve314 Rapid Download
- Clean After Effects Project Videohive Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal
- Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal 16501083 Videohive Project Free
- Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal 16501083 Project Videohive Free Download
Thanks for template
Thank you
wonderful project
Thank you for this phenomenal project
Thanks a lot for this project, got it very fast
HunterAE, thank you so much
Lots of thanks for share!
admin, thank you so much