Christmas Tree is an exceeding after effects project invented by wonderful author – Maestro_O, who collect 4,084 total sales and 77 ratings thus far.
If you will grapple with any messes with this template try to view the help PDF type document that is included in download archive in other way beget a comment on this web site page and admin members team will be back with a lot of gentle replies, considerations and hints.
This template was designed by an expert author perfect for those who admire to edit video graphics. It is indeed straightforward to use this item, all indeed you need to do is plainly to download the item from below link on this web-page and deal with it for all your desires.
Christmas Tree is an opener project markedly tolerable for 3d, object videos. HunterAE moderation team want to make a point that download archive package for this item includes all necessary files: Images, Demo Videos, Elements, Tutorials and so on.
Around a little while back, author voiced that “Christmas Tree 13707559” is one of the world level after effects project they even made on the Envato online market. Obviously, thoroughgoing work is the key to glory.
Produce excellent video with this item and engage your buyer or audience with enchanting motion pictures. The author maestro_o endured and did its maximum to originate this item easily understood by one and all notwithstanding of talents and aptitudes. Not even a little bit is complex right there, even if you are newcomer around video tape graphics editing you would not encounter turmoils, all things is unordinary visceral.
On top of that, what we can say about reviews? Well, this VideoHive item has 1 review. For example, most recent review was written by “metalrulez99” who gave 5 star rating and justification was for “Flexibility”. This template really justify 5 stars, brilliant and super work.
Item has subsequent one illustrious resolution: Resizable and undivided size of the archive is 47mb, load speed from the master file hosting will be sharp enough.
Exceptionally for our community members, Hunter-AE-Com has originated 11 superb photographs and one videotape demonstration where you can see the template in move. Withal, you can pay attention for other variety of openers templates for after effects and catch marvelous one that will be in agreement your necessities.
From June 2014, possessing 55 templates in portfolio, 8 badges and 186 followers, “Maestro_O” time and time again turn on us with original after effects projects.

Videohive 13707559 “Christmas Tree” Trailer
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Keywords for Search Engines:
- Opener After Effects Videohive Project Christmas Tree
- Christmas Tree Videohive 13707559 from Maestro_O Direct Download
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