Time Square in New York. is a salient stock footage template shared by matchless author – CineGeek, who earn 21,537 total sales and 348 ratings as of yet.
Time Square in New York. is a project absolute congenial for professional videos. Our admin team want to emphasize that download archive package for this item involves all wanted files: Tutorials, Images, Demo Videos, Elements and so on.
As of September 2009, bearing 4685 projects in portfolio, 15 badges and 786 followers, “CineGeek” time and time intrigue us with talented stock footage projects.
Entire for website members, Hunterae.com administration members have shaped 7 uppermost photos and 1 video record sample where you can enjoy the template in performance. Similarly, you can see for different variety of city templates for stock footage and get perfect one that will correspond your demands.
This template was shared by a professional author purely for those who like to edit video graphics. It is extremely straightforward to use this template, all indeed you need to do is simply to download the item from below link on this web page and turn to good advantage of it for all your demands.
Nearly last month, author said that “Time Square in New York. 1379550” is one of the high-quality stock footage item they even prepared on the online storehouse. Certainly, diligent work is the key to achievement of something desired.
Herewith, what we need to know about reviews? Well, this VideoHive item has 13 reviews. For example, recent review was from “reclameapk” who gave 5 star rating and inducement was for “Visual Appeal”. This template really worth five stars, awe-inspiring and intensive work.
If you will face any issues with this template make an attempt to understand the help PDF file that is included in download archive if it does not fill up a comment on this webpage and our personnel will turn back with a lot of accommodating explains, observations and proposals.
Project has following precious resolution: 1280×720 and full size of the archive is 132mb, download data transmission will be sufficiently quickly.

Videohive 1379550 “Time Square in New York. ” Demo
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- Time Square in New York. Videohive 1379550 from CineGeek Direct Download
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Thank you kindly for this project,downloaded it very quick
beautiful project
marvellous upload !
many thanks sir !!
beautiful template
Thank you so much
incredible project !!
beautiful project