VHS Effects is a shocking premiere pro template manufactured by notable author – BobJacksonHive, who collect 7,594 total sales and 62 ratings hitherto.
As of May 2015, maintaining 107 items in portfolio, 12 badges and 229 followers, “BobJacksonHive” time and time pleases us with profound premiere pro projects.
Project has subsequent one notable resolution: 3840×2160 and entire size of the archive is 42.6mb, transmission of data from the primary server will be quite expeditious.
This template was composed by a professional author completely for those who enjoy to work with video graphics. It is comfortable to use this item, all that you need to do is only to download the project from below link on this page and turn to good advantage of it for all your desires.
Into the bargain, what you need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really worth some reviews. It is very substantial to indicate that author created this pre-eminent project for us.
If you will meet any issues with this item make efforts to have a look at the help PDF type file that is included in download archive in other ways leave a comment on this webpage and HunterAE moderation team will be back with a lot of gentle replies, visions and pointers.
Generally for website community, HunterAE has formed 10 fascinating images and one film sample where you can value the project in work. Nevertheless, you can keep an eye for diverse sort of elements projects for premiere pro and elect nice one that will follow your necessities.
Close to last month, author expressed that “VHS Effects 38589316” is one of the high-quality premiere pro template they even manufactured on the VideoHive store. Quietly, arduous work is the key to successful outcome.
VHS Effects is an element project categorical tolerable for overlay videos. Hunterae.com team want to italicize that download archive package for this project embodies all important files: Elements, Tutorials, Demo Videos, Images and so on.
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