World Health Organization(WHO) Flag 4K is a salient motion graphics project prepared by like no other author – PickmeDigital, who attain 1,587 total sales and 10 ratings up till now.
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Close to last week, author announced that “World Health Organization(WHO) Flag 4K 16589051” is one of the foremost motion graphics project they even composed on the VideoHive market. Precisely, tough work is the key to fame.
World Health Organization(WHO) Flag 4K is a project exceptionally coherent for 3d, object videos. administration members staff want to allege that download archive package for this project includes all needed files: Demo Videos, Images, Elements, Tutorials and so on.
Template has following unique resolution: 3840×2160 and full size of the archive is 86.3mb, download data speed from main file hosting will be sufficient fast.
Since the time of March 2016, maintaining 1 items in portfolio, 5 badges and 119 followers, “PickmeDigital” continually cheer us with unforgettable motion graphics projects.
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- World Health Organization(WHO) Flag 4K Videohive 16589051 from PickmeDigital Direct Download
Thank you
Many thanks for this great share !!!
Thanks a lot
Admin,thank you
hunterae,thank you !
amazing share
beautiful template!
hunterae,thanks !
cool project
Thanks a lot beautiful upload,downloaded it fast enough!!!
admin, thank you