Heart is a like no other motion graphics project shaped by momentous author – mehmetsuer, who made 4,114 total sales and 10 ratings all this way.
By very little time, author affirmed that “Heart 21610830” is one of the high-class motion graphics project they even formed on the online storehouse. Unambiguously, solid work is the key to satisfaction.
From the time of October 2012, making 714 templates in portfolio, 5 badges and 28 followers, “mehmetsuer” time and again quench us with dazzling motion graphics projects.
This item was assembled by a pro author perfect for those who appreciate to operate with video graphics. It is absolutely uncomplicated to use this project, all that you need to do is plainly to download the item from below link on this page and deal with it for all your requirements.
Project has next sublime resolution: 1920×1080 and full size of the archive is 143MB, download data speed from principal server will be sufficient brisk.
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Heart is a project peculiarly dignified for events videos. Hunterae.com squad want to explicate that download archive bundle for this template embraces all desirable files: Tutorials, Images, Demo Videos, Elements and so on.
As well as, what we can say about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really earns some reviews. It is very required to make known that author created this unique project for us.
Peculiarly for website visitors, Hunterae.com admin members have shaped twelve high-grade snapshots and one video footage demo where you can value the template in work. By the way, you can take a closer look for others overlays templates for motion graphics and gather great one that will concur your requirements.
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Videohive 21610830 “Heart” Sample
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Many many thanks for this share
many thanks HunterAE !!!
Much of thanks for awesome project !
marvellous template
Thank you so much for this share got it real quick on my computer
Lots of thanks
incredible template