Happy New Year 2015 is a mind-blowing motion graphics template build by prodigious author – butlerm, who attain 59,622 total sales and 2390 ratings so far.
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This item was constructed by a skillful author especially for those who appreciate to produce video graphics. It is really hassle-free to use this project, all that you need to do is simply to download the item from below link on this webpage and utilise it for all your needs.
Around by very little time, author exclaimed that “Happy New Year 2015 6410007” is one of the fascinating motion graphics item they even created on the Envato.com storehouse. Uprightly, scrupulous work is the key to triumph.
Develop fabulous videotape with this item and involve your customer or crowd with impossible video records. The author butlerm persisted and did its highest to set up this template knowable by one and all despite of abilities and qualifications. Not even a little bit is complex here, even if you are novice towards video footage graphics editing you should not grapple with turmoils, every single thing is staggering visceral.
Happy New Year 2015 is an element project first and foremost reasonable for events videos. Our admin personnel want to come clean that download archive bundle for this project involves all needed files: Tutorials, Elements, Images, Demo Videos and so on.
From the time of October 2009, making 943 projects in portfolio, 23 badges and 1927 followers, “butlerm” constantly engage us with cool motion graphics projects.
Purely for you, Hunterae.com moderation has crafted eleven foremost photographs and 1 motion picture presentation where you can appreciate the project in function. Not only but also, you can have a look for diverse type of elements projects for motion graphics and acquire perfect one that will match your needs.
Project has next resplendent resolution: 1920×1080 and comprehensive size of the archive is 476.8mb, load speed from head file hosting will be comfortable quick.

Videohive 6410007 “Happy New Year 2015” Overview
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- Happy New Year 2015 6410007 Project Videohive Free Download
- Happy New Year 2015 6410007 Videohive Project Free
Lots of thanks!!
Thanks for this upload
marvellous template
extraordinary project
cool project !!!
Lots of thanks for this brilliant upload
hunterae, thank you very much
HunterAE,thank you very much!!
Thank you for awesome project got it real quick!!!
Much of thanks !
outstanding share