Chinese Dragon is a pleasant motion graphics project invented by startling author – nguluidu, who have 3,409 total sales and 19 ratings up to this point.
As of December 2016, reaching 298 items in portfolio, 4 badges and 263 followers, “nguluidu” many times over fascinate us with unrivalled motion graphics projects.
Item has next nonpareil resolution: 1920×1080 and undivided size of the archive is 434mb, download data speed from principal server will be sufficient hasty.
Specially for you, administration members have made 10 high-grade photos and one video preview where you can take a look at the template in functioning. Auxiliarily, you can have a little look for additional backgrounds templates for motion graphics and select great one that will suit your requirements.
This template was shared by a skilled author perfect for those who like to work with video graphics. It is absolutely hassle-free to use this project, all what you need to do is plainly to download the project from below link on this web page and put to good use of it for all your desires.
Build looking film with this item and infatuate your patron or audience with breathtaking clips. The author nguluidu lasted and committed his foremost to give rise to this item lucid by everyone regardless of competencies and knowledge. Not one bit is knotty here, even if you are beginner in video graphics editing you will not knock against concerns, each thing is unforgettable intuitive.
In the same manner, what you should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really justify some reviews. It is very paramount to accentuate that author created this breathtaking project for us.
Around last few days, author stated that “Chinese Dragon 21314067” is one of the outstanding motion graphics template they even engendered on the market. Absolutely, intensive work is the key to fame.
Chinese Dragon is a project categorical appropriate for events videos. Our staff want to affirm that download archive pack for this item contains all needed files: Elements, Images, Tutorials, Demo Videos and so on.
If you will bump into any quagmires with this item try to look carefully at the help PDF file that is embedded in download pack archive else write down a comment on this website page and our administration staff will respond with a lot of encouraging explains, visions and tips.

Videohive 21314067 “Chinese Dragon” Trailer
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Much thanks !
Many thanks for brilliant template
amazing upload
thank you very much Andrew
phenomenal project!!
Many thanks !!!
amazing upload,got it so fast !!
Thanks a lot