Hi there. It would really be nice to have a feature where we could search using filters.
This would be particularly handy for someone like myself, who uses Davinci Resolve. When i search for something using the current search bar, i have to go through lots of pages just to get from AE files to Davinci files and this is time consuming, and really frustrating to say the least.
For example, just now i’ve been looking for ”3D logo reveal” for Davinci. Results gave me 105 pages, most of which are AE files. Going through all these pages is really frustrating especially because sometimes I go through all results but find that the specific file im looking for is not available.
I believe I speak for all when i say that this is a wonderful website, and being able to filter search results based on criteria such as “AE/ FCP/ DR” would be a very much appreciated improvement for everyone.