Film Credits Kit is a charismatic davinci resolve template composed by meritorious author – Enduro_motion, who bear 377 total sales and 0 ratings till now.
Item has following unequalled resolution: 1920×1080 and complete size of the archive is 30MB, load speed from master file server will be sufficient agile.
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From April 2015, having 25 items in portfolio, 7 badges and 11 followers, “Enduro_motion” many a time knock out us with amazing davinci resolve projects.
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Film Credits Kit is a title project basically commensurate for corporate videos. admin team want to remark that download archive package for this project embraces all required files: Images, Elements, Demo Videos, Tutorials and so on.
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Videohive 29496834 “Film Credits Kit” Demonstration
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Many many thanks!
sir, thank you so much
many thanks Andrew
phenomenal template!!!
Many thanks for this extraordinary share
Much of thanks for this nice project downloaded it so fast on my PC
Thanks for project !
many thanks admin !!!
wonderful upload