Neon Social Media Lower Thirds is a famed apple motion template designed by groovy author – Media_Stock, who made 16,376 total sales and 104 ratings as of now.
This template was manufactured by a maestro author in essence for those who like to produce video graphics. It is really hassle-free to use this template, all actually you need to do is merely to download the item from below link on this web site page and turn to account of it for all your requirements.
Neon Social Media Lower Thirds is a title project specifically compatible for special events videos. admin team want to call attention that download archive package for this item involves all wanted files: Images, Elements, Tutorials, Demo Videos and so on.
If you will oppose any hassles with this template give it a try to investigate the help PDF file type that is included in download archive if not note down a comment on this page and our administration staff will respond with a lot of friendly explains, thinkings and indications.
Generate profound clip with this project and satisfy your patron or audience with awe-inspiring video records. The author media_stock persisted and put own highest to build this template easily understood by one and all although of capabilities and aptitudes. Not even a little bit is complicated here, even if you are novice toward movie graphics montage you wouldn’t face up confusions, each thing is quaint intuitional.
Item has next exalted resolution: 3840×2160 and aggregate size of the archive is 57MB, download data transmission from master hosting will be agile enough.
Close to last week, author voiced that “Neon Social Media Lower Thirds 30326470” is one of the headmost apple motion item they even build on the VideoHive online warehouse. Quietly, backbreaking work is the key to affluence.
More than that, what people should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really deserves some reviews. It is very crucial to express that author created this esteemed project for us.
First and foremost for you, build 12 paramount photos and one video presentation where you can appreciate the template in work. And else, you can get a closer look for new titles templates for apple motion and retrieve superb one that will accompany your requirements.
Beginning at August 2014, achieving 668 items in portfolio, 12 badges and 382 followers, “Media_Stock” repeatedly indulge us with charming apple motion projects.

Videohive 30326470 “Neon Social Media Lower Thirds” Overview
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Keywords for Search Engines:
- Snapchat Apple Motion Project Videohive Neon Social Media Lower Thirds
- Neon Social Media Lower Thirds Videohive 30326470 from Media_Stock Quick Download
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- Neon Social Media Lower Thirds Download Videohive Project 30326470
- Facebook Apple Motion Videohive Project Neon Social Media Lower Thirds
- Neon Social Media Lower Thirds 30326470 Project Videohive Free Download
Much thanks
Much thanks,downloaded it so fast on my desktop
outstanding upload
Thank you so much for this phenomenal upload !
thank you so much hunterae
thanks HunterAE!!!
outstanding upload
Thank you so much for this project
awesome project !!