Magic 3D Fiber is an affable apple motion project prepared by thaumaturgic author – VideoMagus, who realize 46,264 total sales and 3184 ratings till now.
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Just short time ago, author disclosed that “Magic 3D Fiber 3458655” is one of the paramount apple motion item they even formed on the online warehouse. Positively, solid work is the key to wealthiness.
Completely for website members, HunterAE has released 11 principal pictures and one clip demonstration where you can watch the project in work. And else, you can pay attention for few more openers projects for apple motion and pick and choose marvelous one that will coincide your requirements.
Establish pleasing clip with this template and amaze your buyer or viewers with showy videotapes. The author videomagus persisted and undertook its uppermost to generate this template knowable by all over the globe regardless of knacks and masteries. Not even a little bit is hard over here, even if you are amateur in the direction of film graphics mounting you would not bump into turmoils, all things is graceful intuitive.
Magic 3D Fiber is an opener project exceptionally sufficiency for 3d, object videos. administration members team want to underline that download archive package for this item embraces all needful files: Demo Videos, Elements, Images, Tutorials and so on.
Template has following one out of the ordinary resolution: 1920×1080 and entire size of the archive is 422mb, transmission of data from the primary file server will be quite fast.
Herewith, what people need to know about reviews? Well, this VideoHive template has 1 review. For example, most recent review was spelled by “samsonmathew92” who gave 5 star rating and reason was for “Technical Quality”. This project really deserves five stars, stupendous and oppressive work.
This template was engendered by a gifted author fundamentally for those who like to operate with video graphics. It is absolutely elementary to use this item, all indeed you need to do is simply to download the project from below link on this web page and utilize it for all your demands.
During the time from November 2007, holding 1720 items in portfolio, 16 badges and 2196 followers, “VideoMagus” steadfastly involve us with groovy apple motion projects.

Videohive 3458655 “Magic 3D Fiber” Demonstration
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- 3D Apple Motion Videohive Template Magic 3D Fiber
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- Gold Apple Motion Project Videohive Magic 3D Fiber
fantastic project!!!
Thanks a lot for phenomenal share
incredible share
phenomenal upload
phenomenal template
Many many thanks for upload got it quick!!!
Thanks for this template
Many thanks
marvellous upload
much thanks Admin !