Sliding Slideshow is a reputable after effects project released by beyond belief author – xLeviathanx, who keep up 4,202 total sales and 24 ratings before now.
Starting with June 2013, achieving 991 projects in portfolio, 7 badges and 192 followers, “xLeviathanx” systematically astound us with untypical after effects projects.
First and foremost for our members, HunterAE administration has prepared thirteen most important snapshots and one clip preview where you can comprehend the template in move. In a similar way, you can take a peek for new openers templates for after effects and pick up superb one that will gratify your necessities.
More about, what we can say about reviews? Well, this Videohive item has 1 review. For example, fresher review was handwritten by “reecey87” who gave 5 star rating and aim was for “Flexibility”. This template really justify five stars, renowned and hard work.
This template was made by a competent author basically for those who admire to operate with video graphics. It is extremely comfortable to use this project, all what you need to do is only to download the template from below link on this webpage and profit from it for all your demands.
Sliding Slideshow is an opener project exceptionally congenial for abstract videos. admin members team want to assert that download archive package for this template involves all important files: Tutorials, Demo Videos, Images, Elements and so on.
Give rise to renowned video footage with this template and entertain your purchaser or audience with gracious clips. The author xleviathanx endured and did own uppermost to give rise to this project clear by each one regardless of competencies and knowledge. Not one bit is tough right there, even if you are amateur to video footage graphics montage you will not withstand vexations, everything is marvelous visceral.
Template has following one beyond belief resolution: 1920×1080 and total size of the archive is 245mb, transfer data speed from primary hosting will be adequate breakneck.
Little while ago, author pronounced that “Sliding Slideshow 13800269” is one of the foremost after effects item they even formed on the Envato online storehouse. Clearly, backbreaking work is the key to wealthiness.
If you will bump into any botherations with this template give it a try to look at the help PDF type document that is included in download archive in other ways drop a comment on this page and team will be back with a lot of productive decisions, notions and guidance.

Videohive 13800269 “Sliding Slideshow” Presentation
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Keywords for Search Engines:
- Sliding Slideshow Download Videohive Project 13800269
- Openers After Effects Template Videohive Sliding Slideshow
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- Sliding Slideshow 13800269 Videohive Project Free
Hunterae,thanks a lot!!
amazing template
brilliant share
phenomenal share
Much thanks
phenomenal project
Admin,thank you,downloaded it pretty fast on my desktop
Much of thanks
Thank you