Slides Transitions is a powerful after effects project created by mind-blowing author – vcgmotion, who own 21,893 total sales and 457 ratings as yet.
Item has following one unimaginable resolution: Resizable and entire size of the archive is 1.77mb, transfer data speed from the central file hosting will be fast enough.
Moreover, what people should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really justify some reviews. It is very cardinal to feature that author created this majestic project for us.
Absolute for our members, admin members have prepared twelve high-quality footage and 1 moving picture preview where you can enjoy the project in performance. In addition to that, you can take a peek for different variety of elements projects for after effects and grasp perfect one that will tally your desires.
In recent times, author remarked that “Slides Transitions 37561946” is one of the first-rate after effects item they even produced on the VideoHive market. In all respects, laborious work is the key to fruitful results.
From the time of September 2012, having 512 items in portfolio, 17 badges and 1237 followers, “vcgmotion” time after time fascinate us with inimitable after effects projects.
This project was shared by a pro author personal for those who appreciate to produce video graphics. It is extremely comfortable to use this template, all indeed you need to do is merely to download the template from below link on this web-page and utilise it for all your demands.
If you will encounter any stoppages with this project make the effort to heed the help document PDF that is included in download archive if it does not initiate a comment on this web page and moderation personnel will respond with a lot of efficient answers, observations and pointers.
Produce talented video footage with this template and mesmerize your buyer or audience with great videotapes. The author vcgmotion abided and made its maximum to give rise to this template comprehensible by every single notwithstanding of proficiencies and masteries. Not a bit is tricky right there, even if you are novice towards clip graphics mounting you will not front intricacies, each thing is noteworthy intuitional.
Slides Transitions is an element project peculiarly congenial for transition videos. HunterAE team want to harp on that download archive package for this item embraces all much-needed files: Demo Videos, Elements, Images, Tutorials and so on.

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hunterae,thank you
Thanks for this template !
HunterAE,thank you
Admin, thanks
beautiful project
HunterAE,thanks,got it quick on my PC!!
HunterAE, thank you!
Much of thanks fantastic upload