Pop Logo Reveal is a prominent after effects project released by delightful author – MarcoHD, who reach 3,191 total sales and 67 ratings as of yet.
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This project was assembled by a skilled author absolute for those who love to produce video graphics. It is surely hassle-free to use this item, all that you need to do is just to download the project from below link on this page and deal with it for all your demands.
Project has next one impossible resolution: 3840×2160 and completed size of the archive is 23.4mb, transfer speed from head hosting will be sufficient expeditious.
Categorical for website members, Hunterae.com administration has created 8 first-rate pics and one video footage trailer where you can take a look at the project in functioning. Still more, you can get a good look for diverse variety of logo stings projects for after effects and gather best one that will concur your necessities.
If you will endure any messes with this project give you an opportunity to look over the help pdf file that is included in download archive other way note down a comment on this web page and our lineup will be back with a lot of productive explications, thoughts and suggestions.
Right last week, author proclaimed that “Pop Logo Reveal 31253538” is one of the exceptional after effects template they even created on the Envato online shop. Assuredly, resistant work is the key to exhilaration.
Pop Logo Reveal is a logo sting project specially sufficiency for miscellaneous videos. Hunterae.com team want to repeat that download archive package for this template embodies all required files: Demo Videos, Images, Elements, Tutorials and so on.
As far back as January 2011, achieving 58 templates in portfolio, 7 badges and 217 followers, “MarcoHD” on a regular basis fulfil us with fascinating after effects projects.

Videohive 31253538 “Pop Logo Reveal” Overview
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- Pop Logo Reveal 31253538 Videohive Project Free
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- Minimalistic After Effects Videohive Template Pop Logo Reveal
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- Pop Logo Reveal 31253538 Project Videohive Free Download
phenomenal project
marvellous upload!!!
Lots of thanks for brilliant template
Thank you so much
thanks a lot admin, downloaded it so fast!
outstanding project!!
brilliant project !
amazing project