Oriental Logo Reveal is a memorable after effects project devised by wondrous author – vidbox, who reach 2,179 total sales and 88 ratings all the way here.
Since June 2011, bearing 35 items in portfolio, 8 badges and 208 followers, “vidbox” many times over involve us with sublime after effects projects.
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Additionally, what you need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really merit some reviews. It is very noticeable to make it clear that author created this first-class project for us.
Template has following prominent resolution: 1080×1920 and comprehensive size of the archive is 586kb, load speed from head server will be fleet.
Just recently, author enunciated that “Oriental Logo Reveal 19429418” is one of the admirable after effects project they even invented on the VideoHive. Simply, hard work is the key to conquest.
If you will encounter any complications with this template undertake efforts to look carefully at the help PDF document type that is included in download archive on the contrary create a comment on this web page and Hunterae.com moderator lineup will turn back with a lot of beneficial answers, visions and suggestions.
Oriental Logo Reveal is a logo sting project almost passable for abstract videos. Hunterae.com team want to highlight that download archive package for this project embraces all desirable files: Tutorials, Demo Videos, Elements, Images and so on.
Almost for our community members, Hunterae.com administration has formed 13 premier photos and 1 movie overview where you can enjoy the template in motion. Not only that, you can catch a glimpse for others logo stings templates for after effects and grasp excellent one that will be in sympathy your demands.
This item was engendered by a maestro author completely for those who admire to handle video graphics. It is elementary to use this template, all that you need to do is just to download the item from below link on this web-page and turn to good advantage of it for all your requirements.

Videohive 19429418 “Oriental Logo Reveal” Overview
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- Oriental Logo Reveal Videohive 19429418 from vidbox Direct Download
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- Oriental Logo Reveal 19429418 Template Videohive Free Download
Hunterae, much of thanks
HunterAE,thank you kindly
Thanks a lot
Thanks for this fantastic template
much of thanks hunterae!!
amazing project !
Hunterae, thank you so much!
Thank you kindly for this share,got it quick