Octagon Logo is a renowned after effects project constructed by exemplary author – AlexG1985, who made 890 total sales and 8 ratings till now.
Since the time of June 2015, collecting 47 templates in portfolio, 5 badges and 51 followers, “AlexG1985” many times amuse us with excellent after effects projects.
This template was originated by a maestro author mainly for those who admire to play with video graphics. It is extremely straightforward to use this item, all that you need to do is merely to download the project from below link on this webpage and profit from it for all your desires.
If you will knock against any quagmires with this item put in some effort to take a loot at the help document PDF that is included in download archive alternatively type a comment on this website page and Hunterae.com admin team will get back with a lot of benevolent explications, thinkings and proposals.
Octagon Logo is a logo sting project exceptionally satisfactory for sports videos. Hunterae.com administration team want to allege that download archive package for this template contains all needful files: Images, Tutorials, Elements, Demo Videos and so on.
Nearly by very little time, author pronounced that “Octagon Logo 30136038” is one of the world level after effects template they even designed on the VideoHive storehouse. Absolutely, operose work is the key to pleasure.
Similarly, what people should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really deserves some reviews. It is very honored to harp on that author created this unrivalled project for us.
Peculiarly for website community, HunterAE admin has assembled 9 marvelous pics and one videotape trailer where you can enjoy the project in work. Ditto, you can have a peek for others logo stings projects for after effects and choose right one that will come around with your needs.
Create charming video record with this template and astonish your purchaser or crowd with gallant films. The author alexg1985 persevered and performed its greatest to construct this template perceivable by everyone despite of competencies and knowledge. Not one bit is tricky over there, even if you are newcomer towards movie graphics editing you will not meet obstacles, all is like no other intuitive.
Template has next one original resolution: 1920×1080 and entire size of the archive is 646mb, transfer speed from the master file server will be prompt enough.

Videohive 30136038 “Octagon Logo” Demonstration
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More After Effects Projects from AlexG1985
Download Videohive 30136038 Link
Keywords for Search Engines:
- Octagon Logo Download Videohive Template 30136038
- Octagon Logo 30136038 Videohive Template Free
- Octagon After Effects Template Videohive Octagon Logo
- Octagon Logo 30136038 Template Videohive Free Download
- Octagon Logo Videohive 30136038 from AlexG1985 Direct Download
- Logo After Effects Template Videohive Octagon Logo
Thanks for extraordinary share!!
Thank you very much, downloaded it pretty fast on my desktop!!
thank you so much Andrew !
Thank you very much !!!
Thanks for this upload
thank you kindly hunterae
wonderful upload!!!
Thanks for template
brilliant share