Minimal Slideshow is a stunning after effects project prepared by like no other author – RISEFX, who collect 3,319 total sales and 98 ratings until just now.
In the period from January 2012, attaining 65 templates in portfolio, 8 badges and 341 followers, “RISEFX” habitually stun us with enigmatic after effects projects.
Considerably for our members, admin has prepared 12 top-quality visuals and 1 movie preview where you can relish the project in motion. In the same manner, you can keep an eye for other kind of video displays projects for after effects and pick and choose good one that will meet your demands.
If you will face any obstacles with this item make the effort to explore the help pdf file that is included in download archive otherwise note down a comment on this page and moderator staff will respond with a lot of worthwhile responds, ideas and indications.
Project has following one marvelous resolution: 1920×1080 and full size of the archive is 28.7mb, download data transmission from the primary server will be sufficient brisk.
This project was manufactured by a qualified author undoubted for those who love to do video graphics. It is extremely hassle-free to use this project, all what you need to do is only to download the project from below link on this website page and put to good use of it for all your necessities.
Withal, what you need to know about reviews? Well, this Videohive item has 1 review. For example, relatively recent review was inscribed “Karlavarela” who gave 5 star rating and aim was for “Visual Appeal”. This item really merit five stars, cordial and solid work.
Minimal Slideshow is a video display project specifically good enough for miscellaneous videos. moderation team want to emphasize that download archive package for this template contains all desirable files: Elements, Tutorials, Images, Demo Videos and so on.
Build uncommon movie with this template and astonish your clientele or viewers with unbelievable motion pictures. The author risefx endured and did his uppermost to generate this project intelligible by people regardless of proficiencies and skills. None is difficult there, even if you are amateur at movie graphics mounting you will not front entanglements, each thing is inimitable intuitive.
Approximately short time ago, author affirmed that “Minimal Slideshow 20774194” is one of the admirable after effects project they even assembled on the online warehouse. Candidly, persistent work is the key to conquest.

Videohive 20774194 “Minimal Slideshow” Trailer
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- Magazine After Effects Videohive Project Minimal Slideshow
- Minimal Slideshow Download Videohive Template 20774194
nice upload
awesome project
cool project
Admin, thank you !!!
phenomenal upload
Much of thanks
sir,much thanks!
thanks a lot Andrew !!
many many thanks Hunterae
amazing upload,got it real quick