Minimal Corporate Presentation is a marked after effects project shaped by original author – ScorpVFX, who made 2,464 total sales and 22 ratings till date.
Primarily for our community members, HunterAE administration has produced eleven principal pictures and 1 video record demo where you can admire the project in movement. On the side, you can see for diverse sort of video displays projects for after effects and choose great one that will go along with your necessities.
From August 2017, earning 73 items in portfolio, 6 badges and 116 followers, “ScorpVFX” over and over again entertain us with gorgeous after effects projects.
Minimal Corporate Presentation is a video display project markedly reasonable for corporate videos. Our admin team want to remark that download archive package for this item embraces all needed files: Tutorials, Elements, Images, Demo Videos and so on.
And in addition, what we need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really deserves some reviews. It is very momentous to state that author created this unequalled project for us.
Around last few days, author avowed that “Minimal Corporate Presentation 35366892” is one of the magnificent after effects template they even devised on the VideoHive. Simply, strenuous work is the key to prosperity.
This project was invented by a pro author almost for those who enjoy to work with video graphics. It is straightforward adequate to use this item, all indeed you need to do is plainly to download the project from below link on this web site page and use it for all your desires.
Project has next one breathtaking resolution: 1920×1080 and completed size of the archive is 61.1MB, download transmission from server will be adequate brisk.
If you will knock against any complications with this template take initiatives to heed the help PDF type document that is included in download archive if it does not type a comment on this page and our staff will respond with a lot of encouraging explains, considerations and guidance.
Set up amiable video with this project and astonish your clientele or onlookers with well known clips. The author scorpvfx abided and done own maximum to give rise to this item easily understood by each and every despite of talents and skillset. Not at all is intricate right here, even if you are newcomer towards to video tape graphics montage you shall not stumble into turmoils, all things is formidable intuitional.

Videohive 35366892 “Minimal Corporate Presentation” Presentation
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- Minimal Corporate Presentation 35366892 Template Videohive Free Download
- Minimal Corporate Presentation Videohive 35366892 from ScorpVFX Quick Download
- Conference After Effects Videohive Template Minimal Corporate Presentation
- Minimal Corporate Presentation Download Videohive Template 35366892
- Transition After Effects Videohive Project Minimal Corporate Presentation
Hunterae,thanks,got it very fast !
Admin,thank you kindly
Thanks !!!
Thank you !
many thanks hunterae
thank you so much admin
Thanks for this incredible share
extraordinary project
hunterae, thank you
much thanks hunterae
thank you Hunterae
marvellous project !!!