Food And Magic Logo Intro is a precious after effects template created by pleasant author – joebakal, who own 6,236 total sales and 43 ratings until the present.
Still more, what we can say about reviews? Well, this Videohive project has 2 reviews. For example, most recent one review was left by “Epicdreamz” who gave 5 star rating and justification was for “Visual Appeal”. This item really justify 5 stars, unique and rigorous work.
If you will front any quagmires with this item make some effort to look into the help pdf file that is included in download archive if it does not set up a comment on this web site page and HunterAE administration staff will return with a lot of helpful clarifications, remarks and proposals.
This template was released by a gifted author completely for those who love to make video graphics. It is surely simple to use this template, all actually you need to do is plainly to download the item from below link on this webpage and benefit from it for all your necessities.
Fundamentally for you, HunterAE administration members have devised eight leading visuals and one video sample where you can experience the project in movement. Also, you can take a peek for some more openers projects for after effects and chose great one that will follow your needs.
Template has next one exalted resolution: 1920×1080 and undivided size of the archive is 12mb, transfer speed from principal hosting will be quite active.
In recent times, author declared that “Food And Magic Logo Intro 14561329” is one of the uppermost after effects project they even prepared on the Envato shop. Purely, meticulous work is the key to welfare.
Starting with March 2013, collecting 186 projects in portfolio, 10 badges and 365 followers, “joebakal” repeatedly ensorcell us with drawing attention after effects projects.
Set up prodigious video with this template and indulge your customer or audience with precious moving pictures. The author joebakal lasted and undertook its maximum to originate this template lucid by each one regardless of knacks and masteries. Nothingness is laborious over here, even if you are newcomer at video record graphics editing you shall not find vexations, all is awesome intuitive.
Food And Magic Logo Intro is an opener project purely passable for cartoons videos. Our admin team want to reiterate that download archive package for this template includes all needed files: Elements, Images, Tutorials, Demo Videos and so on.

Videohive 14561329 “Food And Magic Logo Intro” Demonstration
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Keywords for Search Engines:
- Animation After Effects Videohive Project Food And Magic Logo Intro
- Food And Magic Logo Intro Download Videohive Project 14561329
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- Food And Magic Logo Intro 14561329 Template Videohive Free Download
- Food And Magic Logo Intro Videohive 14561329 from joebakal Quick Download
sir,thank you kindly
Andrew, thank you
hunterae, lots of thanks!!!
fantastic upload
thank you Andrew
fantastic upload
Much of thanks for this incredible upload
Thanks a lot
incredible template,downloaded it quick !!!
Andrew,much thanks!