Flat Design Concepts Pack is a genial after effects project created by great author – ContrastGroup, who own 1,311 total sales and 19 ratings up to this day.
Flat Design Concepts Pack is a product promo project personal fitting for commercials videos. Hunterae.com team want to emphasize that download archive package for this project contains all needed files: Elements, Tutorials, Demo Videos, Images and so on.
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we are collecting money for this item through our “Group Buy” project. You can be a part of donaters here: https://cmsdude.club/item/flat-design-concepts-pack/
If you have friends that are interested in After Effects Projects, tell them about our donating system. More we are -> more projects and plugins for AE are.
Once you donated, after we purchase item you will get unlimited, lifetime access to download link and updates for donated item. So, we are waiting for you. Donating amount is between 3$-8$.