Epic Logo Reveal is a profuse after effects project produced by memorable author – daonguyen204, who keep up 111 total sales and 0 ratings up to this point.
Item has next one smashing resolution: 1920×1080 and integral size of the archive is 100mb, transmission of information from the head server will be sufficient quick.
Herewith, what people need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really deserves some reviews. It is very important to attest that author created this out of the ordinary project for us.
Fundamentally for our community, HunterAE admin has originated twelve top-quality images and one movie overview where you can savor the template in motion. Not only this, you can take a good look for some others logo stings templates for after effects and pick and choose good one that will go along with your desires.
Nearly last month, author reported that “Epic Logo Reveal 42151206” is one of the foremost after effects project they even designed on the Envato.com warehouse. Without doubt, strong work is the key to wealthiness.
Epic Logo Reveal is a logo sting project predominantly adequate for grunge videos. Our team want to asseverate that download archive package for this template involves all needful files: Demo Videos, Elements, Tutorials, Images and so on.
This template was crafted by a proficient author personal for those who appreciate to play with video graphics. It is absolutely simple to use this template, all indeed you need to do is only to download the project from below link on this webpage and benefit from it for all your necessities.
Originate formidable film with this project and enthrall your customer or viewers with wonderful moving pictures. The author daonguyen204 persevered and proceeded his maximal to develop this item understandably by people in spite of capabilities and masteries. Not even a little bit is intricate right there, even if you are amateur to moving picture graphics editing you shall not contend botherations, all things is inimitable intuitional.
Starting with November 2017, earning 28 items in portfolio, 6 badges and 7 followers, “daonguyen204” time after time engage us with showy after effects projects.
If you will contend any issues with this template make efforts to dig into the help document pdf that is included in download archive on the contrary create a comment on this webpage and Hunterae.com admin staff will come back with a lot of salutary decisions, visions and tips.

Videohive 42151206 “Epic Logo Reveal” Demonstration
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- Epic Logo Reveal Download Videohive Template 42151206
- Epic Logo Reveal 42151206 Template Videohive Free Download
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Thank you very much
extraordinary share
sir,thank you!!
cool share downloaded it pretty quick on my notebook!!
Admin, many thanks!!!
much thanks HunterAE !
phenomenal upload
extraordinary share