Epic Intro is an easygoing after effects project created by leading author – Visual_A, who maintain 22,699 total sales and 676 ratings until just now.
Build decent motion picture with this project and captivate your client or viewers with decent video records. The author visual_a persisted and did own foremost to create this project intelligible by everyone regardless of competencies and knowledge. Nothing is intricate over here, even if you are beginner in clip graphics editing you won’t bump into concerns, everything is astonishing visceral.
Epic Intro is a title project exclusive applicable for fire videos. HunterAE admin team want to accentuate that download archive package for this template includes all desirable files: Tutorials, Elements, Images, Demo Videos and so on.
Perfect for website community, Hunter-AE-Com has produced eight leading footage and 1 motion picture demonstration where you can delight the template in performance. Apart from that, you can have a quick look for new titles templates for after effects and acquire good-looking one that will match your needs.
From the time of January 2012, reaching 4 projects in portfolio, 13 badges and 1461 followers, “Visual_A” many times indulge us with unordinary after effects projects.
At the time, what people should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really justify some reviews. It is very sine qua non to elucidate that author created this famed project for us.
Close to few days ago, author exclaimed that “Epic Intro 30132851” is one of the most important after effects template they even build on the online shop. Simply, sedulous work is the key to successful outcome.
Template has next one cool resolution: 1920×1080 and integral size of the archive is 402mb, transmission of information from head hosting will be quite accelerated.
This template was assembled by a maestro author exclusive for those who admire to edit video graphics. It is really simple to use this item, all actually you need to do is plainly to download the project from below link on this web page and do your best with it for all your requirements.
If you will stumble into any botherations with this template make an effort to check out the help PDF file that is included in download archive in other way compose a comment on this page and Hunterae.com administration staff will turn back with a lot of beneficial notes, visions and indications.

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Keywords for Search Engines:
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- Epic Intro 30132851 Template Videohive Free Download
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- Smoke After Effects Project Videohive Epic Intro
- Epic Intro Download Videohive Template 30132851
- Epic Intro Videohive 30132851 from Visual_A Quick Download
outstanding template
thank you so much Hunterae
great upload
incredible share,downloaded it real fast !!
Andrew,many many thanks
incredible template !!