Energy Crystal Logo is an enchanting after effects project shared by awe-inspiring author – guna2d, who attain 1,085 total sales and 13 ratings until now.
Absolute for our members, HunterAE admin has originated 11 first-class photos and 1 moving picture demo where you can see the project in motion. Even more, you can take a good look for rest of logo stings projects for after effects and select fine one that will agree with your needs.
Starting with June 2010, owning 32 projects in portfolio, 9 badges and 105 followers, “guna2d” again and again captivate us with prodigy after effects projects.
Project has subsequent offbeat resolution: 1920×1080 and aggregate size of the archive is 287mb, transfer data speed from the server will be super expeditious.
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Little bit earlier, author pronounced that “Energy Crystal Logo 22629325” is one of the headmost after effects item they even invented on the VideoHive online warehouse. Uprightly, hard work is the key to success.
Therewith, what you should know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really worth some reviews. It is very appreciable to punctuate that author created this fascinating project for us.
This template was designed by a maestro author primarily for those who love to handle video graphics. It is indeed comfortable to use this item, all actually you need to do is just to download the template from below link on this page and turn to great advantage of it for all your desires.
Energy Crystal Logo is a logo sting project perfect compatible for technology videos. team want to insist that download archive package for this item contains all much-needed files: Tutorials, Images, Demo Videos, Elements and so on.

Videohive 22629325 “Energy Crystal Logo” Demo
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- Energy Crystal Logo 22629325 Videohive Template Free
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- Energy Core After Effects Template Videohive Energy Crystal Logo
- Energy Crystal Logo Download Videohive Project 22629325
Many thanks incredible project!!!
Thanks for awesome project !
marvellous share!!
wonderful project
nice share
brilliant template !!
beautiful share!!
Thank you very much for template got it quick