Elegant Logo is an extraordinary after effects project developed by decent author – aravindavfx, who maintain 1,093 total sales and 18 ratings thus far.
Item has subsequent well known resolution: 1920×1080 and full size of the archive is 70mb, download speed from the primary server will be adequate rapid.
Markedly for website members, Hunterae.com moderation has constructed 10 foremost pictures and one videotape sample where you can savour the template in activity. Even further, you can catch a glimpse for diverse models of logo stings templates for after effects and chose extraordinary one that will line up with your necessities.
Elegant Logo is a logo sting project specifically felicitous for corporate videos. HunterAE admin members team want to point out that download archive package for this template embraces all required files: Tutorials, Elements, Images, Demo Videos and so on.
And else, what we need to know about reviews? Well, this Videohive item has 2 reviews. For example, recent review was logged by “kalimanstudio” who gave 5 star rating and purpose was for “Customizability”. This template really worth 5 stars, majestic and hard work.
Freshly, author remarked that “Elegant Logo 18039207” is one of the high-class after effects item they even crafted on the Envato online warehouse. Unquestionably, solid work is the key to successful outcome.
Give rise to first-class motion picture with this item and endear your client or crowd with phenomenal video footages. The author aravindavfx persevered and undertook its best to give rise to this project understandable by anyone despite of competencies and masteries. Nothingness is hard right here, even if you are novice towards to video footage graphics editing you would not cope problems, each thing is first-rate visceral.
First registered in July 2015, maintaining 22 projects in portfolio, 8 badges and 50 followers, “aravindavfx” lot of times enthrall us with exemplary after effects projects.
If you will front any discomforts with this item use its best endeavours to dig into the help pdf file that is included in download archive other ways write down a comment on this web page and Hunterae.com moderator team will turn back with a lot of handy notes, remarks and indications.
This project was manufactured by a gifted author personal for those who admire to produce video graphics. It is absolutely simple to use this template, all what you need to do is only to download the template from below link on this page and turn to great advantage of it for all your necessities.

Videohive 18039207 “Elegant Logo” Demonstration
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- Elegant Logo 18039207 Videohive Template Free
- Elegant Logo Download Videohive Project 18039207
- Elegant Logo 18039207 Project Videohive Free Download
- Elegant Logo Videohive 18039207 from aravindavfx Quick Download
thank you very much hunterae!!
Thanks for share,downloaded it fast
Thanks !
thank you so much admin
nice template !!!
beautiful project
Much thanks
cool project
extraordinary upload
admin,lots of thanks
extraordinary share