Cracked Logo is a nice after effects project released by splendid author – St_Denis, who keep up 2,489 total sales and 23 ratings up to now.
Concurrently, what people need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really justify some reviews. It is very appreciable to tell that author created this atypical project for us.
This template was engendered by a proficient author perfect for those who enjoy to edit video graphics. It is elementary sufficient to use this template, all what you need to do is plainly to download the item from below link on this webpage and enjoy it for all your requirements.
If you will encounter any issues with this template make an attempt to take a loot at the help PDF file that is included in download archive on the contrary write a comment on this webpage and our administration staff will be back with a lot of handy answers, ideas and suggestions.
Since April 2015, gaining 96 projects in portfolio, 6 badges and 153 followers, “St_Denis” ofttimes spellbind us with original after effects projects.
Just few days ago, author remarked that “Cracked Logo 16012411” is one of the world-class after effects template they even fabricated on the marketplace. Indisputably, resistant work is the key to richness.
Template has next eye-catching resolution: 1920×1080 and comprehensive size of the archive is 48.4mb, download data speed from the principal server will be quick.
Cracked Logo is a logo sting project principally desirable for abstract videos. HunterAE administration members team want to make clear that download archive package for this project embodies all important files: Demo Videos, Tutorials, Images, Elements and so on.
Exclusive for our members, HunterAE admin has devised eight principal pictures and 1 video trailer where you can consider the project in work. Concurrently, you can check out for additional logo stings projects for after effects and choose wonderful one that will accommodate your demands.

Videohive 16012411 “Cracked Logo” Demonstration
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- Cracked Logo 16012411 Template Videohive Free Download
outstanding template!
phenomenal upload
brilliant share
Thank you kindly
Admin,thanks a lot downloaded it fast enough
awesome project !!
thanks a lot HunterAE!
marvellous share
great upload
beautiful project
fantastic project