Aura | Inspiring Titles is a prodigious after effects template prepared by peerless author – grkandesign, who reach 9,883 total sales and 152 ratings up to this day.
First and foremost for you, HunterAE administration members have created 10 premier images and one video demo where you can watch the template in motion. Above and beyond, you can pay attention for another titles templates for after effects and select great one that will match your necessities.
Approximately last week, author specified that “Aura | Inspiring Titles 24901757” is one of the most important after effects project they even engendered on the Envato. Positively, persistent work is the key to accomplishment.
Within the period from March 2014, bearing 65 projects in portfolio, 11 badges and 848 followers, “grkandesign” repetitively captivate us with vivid after effects projects.
If you will face any issues with this item make an attempt to check out the help pdf file that is included in download archive if not compose a comment on this web page and admin members team will be back with a lot of productive replies, ideas and hints.
This project was originated by an experienced author exclusive for those who enjoy to work with video graphics. It is uncomplicated sufficient to use this item, all what you need to do is merely to download the template from below link on this web page and use it for all your necessities.
Template has next original resolution: 1920×1080 and integral size of the archive is 2.1gb, load data speed from central file hosting will be very fast.
Over and above that, what people need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really justify some reviews. It is very serious to bring out that author created this exceeding project for us.
Aura | Inspiring Titles is a title project completely adequacy for abstract videos. HunterAE team want to profess that download archive package for this template contains all necessary files: Images, Demo Videos, Tutorials, Elements and so on.

Videohive 24901757 “Aura | Inspiring Titles” Sample
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Much thanks for this incredible project
admin,much of thanks
amazing project!!!
phenomenal upload
thank you very much sir
Thanks downloaded it very fast
Thank you!!!
thank you Hunterae
Thank you very much