Gourmet Menu is a herculean after effects template formed by charismatic author – TranSMaxX, who maintain 35,025 total sales and 267 ratings before now.
If you will find any worries with this template try to inspect the help file of PDF type that is included in download archive other way give rise to a comment on this web-page and Hunterae.com moderator lineup will be back with a lot of inspirational notes, remarks and guidance.
Gourmet Menu is a product promo project first and foremost harmonious for packaging videos. Hunterae.com moderation team want to pinpoint that download archive package for this template embraces all important files: Images, Demo Videos, Elements, Tutorials and so on.
A little while back, author affirmed that “Gourmet Menu 34182014” is one of the gorgeous after effects template they even made on the Envato.com market. Quietly, laborious work is the key to mastery.
At the time, what people need to know about reviews? Well, this project has 0 reviews. It is not very fair, project really earns some reviews. It is very fundamental to say that author created this out of the ordinary project for us.
This item was developed by a skillful author perfect for those who enjoy to make video graphics. It is indeed uncomplicated to use this item, all that you need to do is plainly to download the template from below link on this web page and manage it for all your requirements.
Categorical for our members, Hunterae.com administration has created twelve grand snapshots and one video preview where you can watch the project in function. Other than that, you can take a peek for additional product promo projects for after effects and acquire superb one that will go along with your necessities.
Template has next striking resolution: 1920×1080 and entirety size of the archive is 44mb, load speed from master server will be comfortable fleet.
Originate fabulous moving picture with this item and dazzle your patron or audience with standout video footages. The author transmaxx endured and undertook its highest to set up this template clear by all over the globe notwithstanding of abilities and skills. None at all is hard over here, even if you are amateur at film graphics mounting you wouldn\’t deal with hassles, every single thing is offbeat visceral.
During the period from May 2013, bearing 2656 templates in portfolio, 17 badges and 1397 followers, “TranSMaxX” every so often satisfy us with prodigy after effects projects.

Videohive 34182014 “Gourmet Menu” Overview
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- Gourmet Menu Download Videohive Project 34182014
- Gourmet Menu 34182014 Videohive Project Free
Thanks a lot
cool project !
Thank you for this template, got it real fast
outstanding upload
beautiful share!!
HunterAE, much of thanks !!!
Admin,thanks a lot
Thanks for this awesome template !
sir, thank you